A. Middle Age periodMiddle adulthood is considered as different stages of life with the other phases because it has social norms, rules, opportunities, and challenges himself. Midlife considered a relatively fallow period does not contain events that are among the more dramatic changes in early adulthood and elderly. Middle adulthood are in the age range 40-65 years.
For many, midlife is filled with heavy responsibilities and roles are many and difficult. Many adults in middle age, has achieved its goal and raising their children, have a sense of freedom and independence increases.
B. Developments Physical
1. Various physical changes
People who are active early in life reap the benefits with more stamina and endurance strong after 60 years of age. People who go through life with not much moving lose muscle tone and energy as well as being likely to lazy to do something physical.
Various changes in appearance, often reflect changes in the structure and systems of the body. The skin becomes less firm and less smooth because of the layer of fat below the surface becomes thinner, their weight tends to increase due to the accumulation of body fat and loss of height due to shrinkage.
At midlife common menopause / stop menstruation permanently and can not afford to get pregnant lahi. The average age of menopause occurs in about 50 or 51 years. Most women do little or no physical discomfort experienced during perimenopause. The most common thing is perceived, hot Äúrasa padah face, Äù.
2. Health
Although they generally have good health, a lot of people in midlife, especially those with low economic status, increased health problems. They are no longer able to work until late at night with ease, the brand is more likely possessed certain diseases such as hioertensi and diabete.
Hypertension (chronic high blood pressure) is an important matter of concern and increased yng of midlife as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. The prevalence of diabetes generally appears after age 30 years and is becoming increasingly common with increasing uisa. In the adult diabetes glucose levels rise as the cells lose the ability to use the insulin produced by the body.
People who do not smoke, do not have excess body bert, and exercise regularly in middle age are able to make life longer. Middle age who quit smoking reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke.
C. Cognitive Development
Cognitively, with different characteristics, people with middle age are in prime condition. Some experts claim that the accumulated knowledge that will change the way of working. That minds are ripe reflect a new stage of cognitive development, which can be the basis of a mature interpersonal skills and contribute to the solution of practical problems.
Why mature adults showed an increase in the skill of solving problems in their chosen field? The answer seems to lie in terspesialissi knowledge or expertise. Continued improvement in skills during adulthood least mid and relatively free of general intelligence and experience a variety of reduction in information processing machines to the brain.
People who are very involved in complex work tends to imply that cognitive performance is stronger than their peers with age. If the work can be made more meaningful and challenging, more and more adults are likely to maintain their cognitive abilities increase tau.
D. Psychosocial development
In terms of psychosocial, middle adulthood was once considered a relatively settled. Midlife often leads to rearrangement of social roles: let go of the child, a grandparent, a change of jobs or career, and finally retirement. Various changes in the personality and lifestyle during the early 40s until the mid often attributed to Kiris midlife period full of supposedly triggered by stress in the assessment and re-evaluation of one's life.
Middle-aged adults have a variety of personal emotion greater when compared with older adults. Plumpness of people across the age ranges, across gender and across race, reported feeling satisfied with less of their lives. One reason for the general findings regarding life satisfaction is that positive emotions associated with unpleasant memories tend to persist
while the negative feelings associated with unpleasant memories fade. Even people who are very sick and experience physical keterbatasn reported that they are often in a good mood. , Äúbersyukur, Äù can help improve life satisfaction. Middle-aged, well-being is influenced ole physical health, the ability to enjoy life, and positive feelings about themselves and a certain serenity in looking at live events.
Most parents at the beginning of the current midlife overcome a series of different problems, which arise from living with children who will soon be leaving home. Once children become adults and have children of their own, and the number of generations in the family relationships multiply.
Family circumstances existing diverse and runit. So many middle-aged parents who have adult children menangaini their families who continue to live at home or leave the house only to come back again. Who become parents for teens are middle-aged adults. While focusing on their own problems, parents should care and pay attention to their teenagers who are experiencing physical changes, emotional, and social.
Most of his early adulthood and old people aged Aruh enjoyed being together and relate to each other well. However, not every family who has a relationship antaar generation has a close relationship. At midlife, family ties, the earliest it could be important again in a new way, a new relationship usually begins in this life: to be grandparents.
Middle adulthood can bring dramatic change, though gradual, in a relationship with the child. Many middle-aged people looking at their parents more objectively than before, seeing them as individuals with strengths and weaknesses.
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