A. Developments PhysicalDevelopment of late adulthood or old age, bringing greater physical decline compared to the previous age period. We will chronicle the changes the changes in the physical decline associated with aging, with emphasis on the importance of the development of new developments in the study noted that the process of aging the body strength and gradual decline and loss of bodily functions can sometimes be repaired.This is what usually occurs in adulthood further and here are some of the decline and loss of bodily functions in terms of physiological developmental period late adulthood or old age:
1. Brain and nervous system
When we get older we lose a number of neurons, the basic unit of the unit cell of the nervous system. Some researchers estimate that it may lose up to 50% during the adult years. Although other studies believe that the loss was less and that a proper investigation of the investigation have not been made in the loss of neurons in the brain. Perhaps a more reasonable investigation is that 5 to 10 percent of the neurons we will stop growing until we reach the age of 70 years. After that, the loss of neurons will be faster.Significant aspects of the aging process may be that it does not change the neuron neuron itself. Even so the brain can recover and repair capabilities, only lost a fraction of his ability to function in late adulthood.
2. Sensory development
Physical sensory changes in adolescence involves the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and sense of touch. At the end of the decline in adulthood sense of vision can begin to be felt and occurs from early middle adulthood. Adaptation to dark is more to be slow, which means that elderly people rang take a long time to restore their sight when out of the room a bright spot heading into the semi-darkness.This decline can usually be traced penglihatn reduction in the quality and intensity of light that reaches the retina. At the top of old age, these changes may be accompanied by changes in the setback changes in the retina, causing some difficulty in vision.Although hearing loss can start in middle adulthood, it usually does not bring much trouble until late adulthood. At that time a lot of hearing aids that can be used to aid hearing. Deaf, usually caused by ear membrane setback, the recipient nerve in the ear sound receiver.In addition to vision and hearing berukurangnya also decreased the sensitivity of taste and smell. Sensitivity to bitter and sour flavors last longer than the sweet and salty flavor.
3. Circulatory system
Not long ago a decline in the amount of blood pumped by the heart with age although seiringnya in healthy adults. However, we know that when heart disease does not appear, the same amount of blood pumped without mempertimbangakan age in adulthood. The reality of aging experts argue that a healthy heart can become stronger as long as we age with increased capacity is not decreased.
4. Respiratory system
Capacity will decline at the age of 20 to 80 years even without the disease. Elatisitasnya lose lung, breast shrink, and diaphragm weakened. Despite that good news is that adults can further improve lung function with exercise training to strengthen the diaphragm.
5. Sexuality
Aging causes a decrease in the change in terms of human sexuality, more in men than in The women. Orgasm is becoming more rare in men, occurring in every 2 to 3 times a sexual relationship is not every time. More direct stimulation is usually needed for an erection. Even if sexual intercourse interrupted by weakness, other relations must be maintained, the proximity between sensuality, and value as a male or female.
B. Cognitive Development
The issue of intellectual decline during the adult years is something provocative. David Weschler (1972), who developed the Weschler intelligence scale, concluded that adulthood is characterized by intellectual decline due to the aging process that everyone experiences.But it turns out the issue is more complex. For example, John Horn thinks that some abilities decline while other abilities are not. Horn stated that crystallized intelligence (crystallized Intelligence) which is a set of information and verbal abilities of the individual increases with age, while the intelligence flow (Fluid Intelligence) is a person's ability to think abstractly, declined steadily since the middle adulthood.Some leaders questioned about the statement expressed by some experts in the above. According to Paul Baltes and K. Warner Schaei this statement flawed because they collect cross-sectional data. In a cross-sectional study, individuals of different ages were tested at the same time.This course will produce different results because of differences in age of course also have different socio-economic and educational opportunities. The possibility of 70-year-old man who did not have much chance to get an education so intelegnsinya affect the results.
a. Processing speed, Remembering, and Problem Solving
It has now been widely accepted that the speed of information processing was reduced in late adulthood. There is also some evidence to suggest that the older adults are less able to spend back information that has been stored in memory and effectively using mental imagination in memory.Although our information processing speed slowly decreased in late adulthood, but there are individual variations in these skills. And when the decline occurs, it does not clearly indicate its influence on our lives in some substantial terms.Replacement experiences may explain how people older maintain their skills in several areas of cognition, such as memory and problem solving. If we observe the memory and problem solving in the real world, we may find a slight decrease in late adulthood.
b. Education, Employment, and Health
Education, employment, and health are the three most influential components in the cognitive function of the older adults. At this time they have gained a better education. Education has a positive correlation with the scores on intelligence tests. The adults may continue further education for a number of reasons.Work experience emphasizes the cognitive orientation. Increased emphasis on the process information in the job may increase individual intellectual prowess. Meanwhile, poor health related to intelligence tests at adolescence. Sports associated with improved cognitive function among older adults-rang.
c. The decline phase
Hypothesis decline phase (terminal drop hypothesis), which states that the death was preceded by a reduction in cognitive function at approximately the first 5-year period prior to death. So the distance of death in a population have died should be correlated with the ability of the cognitive function tests were given to them during the critical period of 5 years.In the studies comparing adults and young adults are more likely to be in the 5-year period of his death. Chronic diseases experienced by adults may be able to reduce this further motivation, alertness and energy to demonstrate their competence when running tests of cognitive function.
d. Wisdom
Wisdom is the knowledge of a person's experts on the practical aspects of life that allows the emergence of quality decisions about things that are important in life. One aspect of wisdom is seen to rise as people get older is it to be more flexible in accommodating changing and life goals to a new life circumstances and personal conditions of the new (Brandstadter & Renner, 1990). The adults continued as they are younger are more likely to seek satisfaction of the pleasure seeking is difficult to obtain (Dittman-Kohli, 1992)
e. Mechanical And Pragmatic Reasoning Reasoning
Mechanical reasoning is the hardware of the mind and reflects the design of neurophysiological brain develops in evolution. At the operational level, cognitive reasoning involves speed and accuracy of processing, including sensory input, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization. Due to the strong influence of biological factors, heredity, and health in mechanical reasoning, mechanical reasoning then becomes possible decline in line with the aging process.Instead pragmatic reasoning (cognitive pragmatic) refers to the basic cultural "software" of the mind. At the operational level, pragmatic penalran including reading, writing, speaking, educational qualifications, professional skills-skills, and also the types of self-knowledge and skills-life skills that help us to control and cope with life.Due to the strong influence of the culture, the pragmatic reasoning then increased in elderly pragmatic reasoning becomes possible. This reasoning will remain elevated in the elderly despite a decrease in mechanical reasoning.
C. Psychosocial development
Physical changes due to the aging then this change will greatly affect the role and his relationship with their environment. With the growing elderly man gradually he began to break away from social life because of the limitations it has. This situation resulted in decreased social interaction of the elderly, both in quality and quantity so that it gradually resulted in the loss of many things: losing the role in the community, barriers to physical contact and less commitment.According to Erikson, psychosocial development of adolescence is marked by three important symptoms, namely intimacy, generative, and integrity.
1. Intimacy developmentIntimacy can be defined as an ability to care for others and share experiences with them. People who are not able to establish intimate relationships with people lainakan isolated. According to Erikson, the formation of intimate relationships is a major challenge faced by the people who enter late adulthood.
2. Generative developmentGenerativity is the seventh stage of psychosocial development experienced by the individual during the period mid-adulthood. When someone is approaching the end of the adult age, their views on life tends to change the distance. They no longer look at life in terms of the time of childhood, such as the way young people look at life, but they are starting to think about a year left to live. At this time, many people are rebuilding their lives in terms of priorities, determine what is important to do in the time remaining.
3. Integrity DevelopmentsIntegrity is an Erikson's stages of psychosocial development of the latter. Integrity best be described as a state one achieves after maintaining objects, people, products and ideas, as well as successfully make adjustments with bebrbagai successes and failures in life. The opposite of integrity is certain decisions in the face of changes in an individual's life cycle, the social conditions and historical, coupled with the transience of life before death.The integrity of this stage begins around the age of approximately 65 years, where the people who was at that age is often referred to as old age or the elderly. This age raises many new problems in one's life. Although there are still a lot of free time that can be enjoyed, but due to the decline in physical or debilitating disease has limited activity and make people not menrasa powerless.
There is some pressure that makes the old age people withdraw from social engagement:a. when retirement arrives and environmental change, people may be out of the role and activities during this time.b. illness and reduced physical and mental abilities, making it much thought myself too much.c. the younger people around them tend to stay away from him, and.d. when death draws near, oran want like want to throw all the things that are not useful to him anymore.
Papalia Olds Feldman. , 2009. Human Development. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika
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