A. Commence Masa Adult
At this period changes-physical changes relative already not sepesat period of previously (puberty, and adolescence), even in the beginning of age adult an early (approximately 18 years old) physical condition tend already settled, inside a sense when the occurs changes not significant anymore.
At this period which is being happening is the the reproductive period, which began to perfect at the the beginning age of two dozens, and will experience a decrease quality of in age of mid three tens.
Adulthood premature constitute adjustment period themselves against patterns of-pattern of new life and expectations-expectations of social of new. At this time they is expected begin to play a new role, such as the role of husband / wife, parental, and as leader household, as well as the develop attitudes, interests and value which adjusted with its role who baru.Ciri-hallmark adulthood early is a:• Age Reproductive (Reproductive Age)• For the vast majority individuals who are at this period, became father or mother constitute one of the roles which is very important in his life.• Role as parental, been even more visible for women when compared to men. Despite Thus, unidirectional with increasingly many generations have women who play a role in sector public, causing the role as parents do not only charged to the house of women, but rather also become responsibility of the men. Does it mean, when someone has been mengikrarkan self-for a family, as then the responsibility in inside educating children is the responsibility joint, between mother and dad.• At the women age of reproductive, in the sense medical / physical, more limited when compared of men.• Approaching end adulthood premature, physically / medically, the women would be experiencing decline in ability berreproduksi, whereas in males, until the age end adulthood premature the ability reproduksinya still remain optimal, and new will tend to decline, when individual began to entered a period of the end adult madya or even new occurs when the already entered a period of advanced age.
so, Someone can be be said adult when they already standalone or has been choose careers, has been married or has been build relationship romantic and significant, or have formed a keluarga.beberapa psychologists argues that the commencement maturity can not marked by criteria an external, but by internal indicator such as autonomy, kontorol self and responsibility personal. Is now, road towards maturity can be be marked by college entrance high, work, moved from house, married and has anaak.dimulainya adulthood is was a time when someone no anymore teenagers, but not yet fully adult
B. Developments Physical
1. Health and Physical Condition
Most adults early were dipuncak health. strength, energy, durability, and function their motor. Acuity visual constitute the most prominent at the age of 20-40 tahun.pengecapan, smelling, as well as the sensitivity against a sense of pain and temperature on generally remains survive through to most do not age of 45 years.
At the adulthood the early basic physical function who permanent placed. Health is influenced partially by genes, but factor-factor behavior what is eaten, whether they quite sleep, how active they are are physically and whether they smoked, drinking, or consuming drugs very contribute against the health as well as kesejahterahan the days now dam the upcoming. Poverty and discrimination racial also gives contribution on the difference health.
a. The influence Genetics against HealthAtherosclerosis or narrowing arteries, can stems on period child's and can be menjdi threat of at the age of four or five tens. One factor risk aterosklorosis is the level of cholesterol in the blood (fktor another risk to is pressure low blood high-dn smoked).Cholesterol combines with protein and triglycerides (acid fatty), circulating through the bloodstream, dihantar by lipoprotein levels of low (low-density lipoprotein ¬ ¬ ─ LDL), better known with the name cholesterol "evil". Lipoprotein high grade (high-density lipoprotein ─ HDL) or cholestrol "good", throw exit cholesterol of the system.It is estimated 80 percent variation the level of HDL in the population due to factors genetics ("How to Reise LDL, 20010). However, like we will discuss dibagian the next, factors-factor behavior also affects the level of cholesterol. With Thus, plethora disease involves influence of genetics nor environmental.b. The influence Behavior against Health and FitnessThe relationship between the behavior and health describe the interaction between physical aspect, cognitive, and emotional from developments. Several factors lifestyle who strong and relate directly with health and fitness:• Diet and NutritionWhat which they eat will affect how appearance they, how feelings they, and how likely they are fell ill or even died. With diet who bad and lack of activity will cause people adults died.
Person who consuming varied fruit and vegetable, especially the which rich will carotenoid have a risk which is small for suffered from heart disease and stroke. Guide national nutrition say that the people adults consume do not more than 20-30 per cent calories from fat. Fat consumption Excessive, terutma fats saturated, increase the cardiovascular risk, in particular the level of cholesterol. Controlling cholesterol through the diet dam when necessary, perform treatment, can significantly reduce the this risk.
• Obesity / excess body weightObesity on adulthood generally is defined through index period of body or komprasi weight-height body. According to experts explanation against epidemic obesity is an increase in consuming a snack, ketrsediaan "a quick meal saji" who cheap and servings "size gede", diet with high fat, technology which saves manpower, recreation without many physical activity, such as watching television, any and using a computer .
obesity become more prevalent over increasing humans, prevention the addition of body weight during the the beginning of through diet healthy and regular activities which is an approach that most meticulously.
• Physical activityPerson adult who active are physically reap many advantages. Besides helps keep the weight who desired, physical activity build up muscle, strengthen the heart and pulmonary, reduces blood pressure, protects the from penykit heart, stroke, diabetes, cancer bowel, endometrial, and esteoporosis. Limited from anxiety and depression; as well as the alive.
Inactivity constitute health problem which is global. Style hidu with bit of physical activity is one of the 10 causes of of death and disability.
• sleepMany adult beginning of pass through day without sleep, depression slept memengruhin not alone just health, but also cognitive function, emotional and social. Shortage of sleep can be endanger person the streets, even can lead to the premature aging. Sleep who quite enhances learning motor skills who complex, shortage of sleep tend detrimental to learning verbal, some aspects of recollection as well as difficulty for focus the attention
• SmokingSmoked still main cause of death which can be dicegh by adults, relates not only with lung cancer-lung, but also increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and disease Pru-pulmonary chronic. Smoked is also relate with cancer stomach, liver, mouth, sac urinary, kidney, pancreas, and cervical.
Smokers passive, smoke which blown in people do not smoke have the amount carcinogens the same with active smokers inhalational. Exposure on passive smokers ─ even just hose 30 minutes ─ showed has been led to disfngsi the circulation of and increase the risk of ppenyakit cardiovascular. Passive smokers also may increase cancer risk cervical.
From the angle of view of risks who has been known to from smoked, why many of people do it? One reason is that smoking is addictive. Tendency addiction can be nature genetics and gene-certain genes can be affect kemmpuan for stop. The emergence cigarette in medi-media can become another influence who strong.
• AlcoholMsa lecture is an environment which is main to drink-drink. Alcohol consumption be connected with characters risky another from adulthood the early, such as traffic accidents, criminality, infection HIV, as well as the the use of of medicines and tobacco basis illegal.
Alcohol consumption mild up to moderate seems to reduce the risk fatal of heart disease and stroke as well as senility in age lanjut.namun, heavy drinkers leads on cirrhosis the liver, cancers-certain cancers, failed heart stroke, damage sisem nerve, and problems-problems other medical.
• The use of illegal drugsThe use of illicit drugs peaking at the age 18-20 the year. From person adults aged 26 year-or older ever tried illegal drugs, generally marijuana. Figures the use of fell sharply at the age of two tens.Such as on mas adolescents, mariuana constitute illegal drugs who most popular at the between adult the beginning. The use of marijuana in the long term resulted memory loss and attention is significantly. chronic, the use of marijuana dalm kdar which high can damage the fungdi cognitive.
c. The influence-the influence do not direct against the health and fitnessIrrespective from things-things that people-people are doing or not are doing, which affect the health of them are directly, there are various influences do not directly against the health. Among them are:• Social status economic and racial the tribeSociety high earners estimate that their health better live longer than their who low income. the relationship between social status economic and health give enlightenment about the relative the poor condition of health of in several populations minority.People-people afrika roughly doubled likely to die compared them who skinned white-type in adult initial
• GenderWomen are more big the possibility of than of men in terms of reported is being in health conditions which enough or bad, more often see the doctor, seek care outpatient, or care emergency department, lebi often perform treatment for diseases-peyakit minor. Males more rarely seek professional help for problems health, but be hospitalized much longer, and problems health they are are usually more chronic and threatening live
• Relationships and health.Relationship social seems to vital to the health and well-being. Researchers have identified most do not two important aspects of the lingkungn social which can be promote health: social integration and support social.
2. Issues-issue of Sexual and reproduction
Function-fungi naturally might be related with things-physical things that alarming. Three thing that worries the is:
a. Disorders Haid
Syndrome Premenstrual is a disorder which causing discomfort physical and emotional tension during two weeks before periods menstrual. Symptoms can be include fatigue, ache head, swelling or previous tempering of breast, swelling of the hands or feet, nausea, seizures, cravings food, gained weight, anxiety, depression, easy angry, atmosphere liver who likes changed-change, often crying, as well as the difficulty concentrating and remembering.
b. Transmitted diseases sexually
The highest figure of plethora diseases sexually transmitted is teens and adult early, groups of age which most might be involved in sexual activity risky. Some diseases sexually transmitted: HIV, syphilis, piss pus and herpes genital.
In the whole the world, approximately half a from which infected is women. Most infections occurs through abuse of medicines that berbaagi together needles hipordemik.hubungan sexual who do not using protector between men gay or bisexual, or relationship commercial sex with woman tuna Vice and Virtue.
c. Sterility
Penyebabkemandulan The most common is the production sperm which too little. On women cause of sterility can be either failure of generate ovum or normal ovum. But the cause of which most common is tubal blockages fallopian who hinder ova reach the uterus.
C. Cognitive Development
Some researchers try identify capacity special cognitive which appears on period-adulthood or the ways-special way wherein of people adults using abilities cognitive their at the stage-stage their life.
Piaget describe operational stage formal as a peak attainment. One of the points theory and research niopiagetian relate with penlaran abstract a high level or thinking reflective. Thinking reflective is a form of cognition who complicated. Reflective thinking continued to-constantly mempertnyakan things-things that already considered facts, draw conclusions, dam makes relationship-relationship.
Based on operational stage forml Piaget, of thought reflective can create intellectual systems who intricate bring together ideas-ideas or considerations who mutually bersebrangan. The ability for think reflective estimated to emerged between age 20 and 25 years. Research and works of theoretical since years 1970s showed that the mature thinking may be more richer and complex rather than who Piaget describe. This thinking characterized by ability for confront uncertainty, inconsistencies, contradiction, imperfections, and compromise.
Of thought pascaformal is flexible, open, adaptive, and individualistic. Of thought was based intuition and emotion also logic to help someone overcome the world who looks berantakan.pemikiran this apply the various the results of of experience against various situations ambiguous.
1. Reasoning Moral
Person young age have a appraisal moral is more forward hand in hand with them meninggalkna egocentrism and become able to think abstract. However, on adulthood moral judgments often times a become complicated. Reasoning moral at the adult the beginning of is confront conflict of value when away from home and are responsible top of kesejahterahan another person. Experience of can leads another who is adults evaluate re their criteria about what is right and wrong. Bebrapa of people adults to spontaneously using his personal experience as an answers to dilemma his social.
2. Education and job
Does not such as generation-younger generation previous, which usually can be with easily move from school to worked to mandiriannya financial, many of people who new stepping on adult is now does not have a picture which clear about what which they going to are doing 10 years the upcoming. Most of them who do not sign up to college or not finish it, successful entry job market, but a lot which back for continue the school.
Colleges is an important pathway towards maturity, although only constitute one of one lane and new lately become option which most umum.Perkuliahan can become period of discovery intellectual and personal growth, especially within skills verbal and quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, as well as the reasoning moral. Of experince colleges can be leads into changes fundamental inside the way of thinking student. Someone completed the lecture instead of only relies on motivation, talent akdemis and preparation, and the ability to work autonomously, but also on the integration and social support: opportunity worked, support financial, and compatible with setting, quality interaction of social and academic, as well as the keookan between which offered by colleges and what who student want and need.
Makin many of people adults who employs self-its own, works from home, with cover the distance who distant, has a working hours which flexible, or become contractor an independent. Changes-this change, along with job market who increasingly a competitive and demands was for against skills workforce which more and more high, makes education and training become increasingly vital. Higher education expand the opportunity getting a job and paid more large and improve the quality of term living long-for people adults in corners of duia.
D. Developments Psychosocial
1. Developments personality: four the views.
Four approach to classical against the development of personalitya. Model of stage of normative Describing related development age that continues throughout the span lives of person adult, like also on childhood and adolescents. Penelitin model of stage of normative has been found the changes-major changes which can foreseen in personality of person adult.b. Model of time events of Stating that the changes are not too relates with age, as on emergence who allegedly or unexpected as well as moment the occurrence of various events of alive who importantc. Model of trait centralize on trait-trait mental, emotional, and behavior, such as cheerfulness and quickly furious. Most studies-based trait find that the personality of people adults usually can be seen changed through kemuncuan adulthood and when indeed occurs, slowed in that particular time.d. Model of typological Identifying types of, or style, personality which more extensive, which representing how the trait personality of was organized on someone
2. change the pathway towards maturity
when several theories the development of personality classical mature, in particular model of stage of normative and time events, looks out of date. It because pathway toward maturity now more varied compared beforehand.
For many youth now, period of stepping on adult constitute of time experimentation of before to assume the role adult and responsibilities. Pathway individualized towards maturity is influenced by several factors such as gender, the ability academic, attitudes premature towards education, and expectations when teens the end. Young man tend leave home is more early compared women and married more late. Young women tend completing their education is more early and has a likelihood which increasingly big to go back continue the school.
However Thus, increasingly many dewas grow of both sexes continue the pendidikn brand of dam postpone the become prang old and the this is the key the success in the the future and kesejahterahan of the present.The success of an who stepping on adult cope with the task developmental left the childhood home small is the ability maintain relationship close however autonomy with parents their.
3. Basic-Basic relationship which intimate
Erikson looked at the development of relations who intimate as an important task adulthood early. The need for form a relationships who strong, stable, close, and attentive is an motivator important from human behavior. Relationship who intimate demanding certain skills, seerti sensitivity, empathy, and the ability communicate emotion, and another-other.
4. Style hiudp married and not get married
a. Life singleness
Although there are adult initial who stay single because they not yet find couples who exact, which others single because choose. Makin a lot of women now support the self its own, and there are more a little get married. Several pleased aloof, some menundan or avoid weddings karna afraid that the ernikahan will be end up with divorce.
b. Wedding
In most societies, wedding considered the best way to ensure child is raised basis either-good. People-people who married tend happier than person who not married.
5. Became the parents
First baby marking major transition in life older people. Insane an entirely new this change the total individual another and change the relationship. Neither women nor lali-men sma-alike has a feelings who mixed stir about become older people. Along with excitement such, they may feel anxious about the responsibility of caring for children and about the commitment of time and effort that followed.
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