Such as Piaget, Lev Vygotsky emphasized that children actively construct their knowledge. However, according to Vygotsky, mental functions have social connections. Vygotsky found that children develop concepts more systematic, logical, and rational as a result of a conversation with an expert helper. So, in theory, Vygotsky, people and language plays an important role in the cognitive development of children.
Zone of Proximal Development
Zone of Proximal Development Vygotsky is shorthand for The set task too difficult to control the child alone but can be studied with the help and guidance of adults or children were trained.
Scaffolding concept closely related to the concept of ZPP. Scaffolding is the change in the level of support.
After passing through several courses in the teaching session, the more experts (teachers or peers who are more adept) to adjust the amount of assistance to strengthen the ability of the child at the time. When students learn a new task, the more proficient using direct instruction. After increasing student competence, assistance is reduced.
Dialiog adalh important tool in the zone of proximal development (Tappan, 1998). Vygotsky saw the rich kids the concept but not systematic, random, and spontaneous. In a dialogue, knsep-concept can be reconciled with the guidance of a systematic, logical, and rational. For example, a dialogue between teacher and child (teachers implementing scaffolding) will help children understand a concept like transfortasi.
Language and Mind
Vygotsky says that language and thought at first developed separately and then together. He stressed that all mental functions have external sources or social. Children should use language to communicate with others before they can mempokuskan into their own thoughts. Children also need to communicate externally and using language for a long time before they make the transition from external to internal speech. This transition occurs at the age of 3 to 7 years and includes talking to himself.
Can life values learned? If it can be studied as a science or as pengatahuan, whether pengatahuan about the value of life can instantly make people willing and able to act / behave in accordance with what is
Between knowledge and action was not always the case that a high positive correlation. The process of growth and continuation of knowledge to shape attitudes and behavior is a mental process that absurd. An individual who at any given time behave abominably do not always turn out as he did not know that the act was reprehensible, or not in accordance with the norms of society.
Doing something physical is a form of behavior that is easily seen and measured. But behavior does not consist of acts that seem just. In it also included a mental attitude which is not always easily addressed, except indirectly, such as through speech or behavior that is not expected to describe the mental attitude, even indirectly was sometimes quite difficult to draw rigorous conclusions. According to Piaget children during their growing much progress understanding of the social problems that exist in the vicinity. It is also due to the influence of their peers. With their many peers might find common ground. It is unlikely they get with them only with parents or relatives.
Understanding and Mutual Linkage Between Values, Morals, and the attitude and the Effect on BehaviorValue - the value of life is the norm - the norm in society, for example: customs and manners (Sutikna, 1988:
Manners, customs, and habits and values embodied in the values of Pancasila is the handle of one's life in his capacity as an Indonesian citizen in his relations with the state and with fellow citizens. Is he a farmer or a space expert, is he a man or a woman, whether she or he is a leader in the government of an ordinary citizen, whether he is Muslim or other religious religion, as an Indonesian citizen he should be guided by these values, as well as the adolescents.
How the relation between values and morals?
Moral is the doctrine of good deeds and bad manners, morals, obligations, etc. (Purwadarminto, 1957; 957). In a set of moral deeds are judged good and needs to be done, and an act which was considered not good and should be avoided. Moral associated with the ability to distinguish between right actions and wrong. Thus, morality is a control in behavior. Someone who has had a keen conscience is not automatic actions that realization of his conscience. To bridge the distance that mediates both still necessary aspects that will. Many people who have the intellect but not quite me4miliki moral (courage to do) then the moral education is also frequently called education the will. Of course the question is the will in accordance with the demands of human nature. So the moral conscience in sync with a sharp one that is really good for man as a human being is a moral good or moral high (sublime). Conversely actions that are not in sync with a sharp conscience or a realization of a dulled conscience called bad moral or morale is low (asor) or commonly said to be immoral. Someone said to be virtuous because it unites itself with high values, and all the actions is a demonstration of the high values of these.
In relation to the experience of life values, the moral is in attitude control and behave in accordance with the values of the mean life. For example, in practice the value of life: tenggangrasa, the person will always pay attention to the behavior of others, not "at will I". He can distinguish actions right and wrong.
The values of life as the norm in society always involves issues between good and bad, so concerned with morals. In this case the flow of psychoanalysis no distinction between morals, norms, and values (Sarlito, 1991: 91). All of the concepts embodied in Freud's concept of the superego. Superego in Freudian theory itself is part of the soul that serves to control the behavior of the ego that does not conflict with the public.
Meanwhile, according Gerung attitude keesediaan generally defined as an individual reacts to something (Mappiare, 1982: 58). Attitudes related to the underlying motives and behavior. Behavior can be predicted what happened and will be done if it had known its stance. Attitude is not an action or activity, but such a tendency (predisposition) behavior. So the attitude is a readiness to react to certain objects in the environment as an appreciation of the particular object.
Thus, the relationship between values, morals, attitudes, and behavior will be seen in the practice of values. In other words, the values need to be introduced first, and then lived and driven by moral, will be formed attitudes toward these values and ultimately manifested behavior according to the values in question.
Child's moral development is characterized by the child's ability to understand the rules, norms, ethics. Piaget (1965) divides moral development into three stages, namely:
1.Premoral, at this stage children do not have and have not been able to use moral judgment to behavior.
This is due to inexperienced children to socialize with other people and the communities in which in which the rules, etiquette, and the norms that exist. Besides, children are still egocentric, or have not been able to understand the perspective of others panndang way.
2.Moral Realism, at this stage the children's awareness of the rules began to grow.
The child's behavior is strongly influenced by the rules and the consequences to be borne by the child for his actions. For example, if you want to sleep or eat pray first. If late to class will be asked to tell or sing first. Usually the mark of punishment and reward children sbagai consequences of the rule.
3.Moral relativism, at this stage of the child's behavior based on a variety of complex moral judgment that was in him. At this stage the child's behavior is no longer carried by or influenced by others, but he himself had developed a moral value or that he used to solve problems related to morals or values.
According to Kohlberg's six-stage he shares moral reasoning development is divided into 3 levels. The first is moral reasoning prakonvensional at this basic level, children may not show internalization of moral values, at the time the child does something good to say if it produces something that is physically enjoyable or profitable. This level consists of: the first stage is Obedience and Punishment Orientation referring to figures in power would be more obedient child and fear of punishment.
The second phase of the orientation of individualism and instrumental orientation at this stage the child is likely to events coming from the outside, but related to the child's physical. An action is judged correctly when linked to external events that satisfy herself. The second level is the moral reasoning Konvensioanal at this stage of moral development in accordance with what is expected by others. What is believed by others as a virtue and truth. And individuals have to do something because otherwise violate the rules will be punished accordingly. And activities that are considered immoral is activity in accordance with the rules that already exist in the community.
The third level is the post-conventional moral reasoning at this stage one would assume that the preformance of course there is an element of social rules that can be changed and is subjective depending on conditions.
At this stage there is a reciprocal relationship and contract between the individual and the community.
We as prospective educators would have to create a conducive environment that supports the child's moral development. Among the emotions of learning activities should be made directly with the practice in theory can not be delivered before kelas.Perlu there a program that can increase the level of enrichment of the child with the child sosioemosi kesadarn development efforts. In the process of learning to teach children had a lot of activities related to such peer group learning activities that can strengthen the communication between them. Besides that, the environment should also be considered and the treatment of children
Preschool children are at the first level is called "Morality prakonvensional". In this case the child's behavior is subject to external control. At this stage the child-oriented compliance and penalties. Morality of an action is judged on the basis of its physical effect. Children only know that the rules are determined by the power that can not be contested. Furthermore, children are still outside the individual bases, but have noticed perbuatanya reasons. Therefore, the moral condition of children as it allows educators to apply discipline behavior at pre-school age children in an effort to guide the child to know what is good behavior and what is bad, and encouraged to behave in accordance with these standards.
Moral behavior is a behavior that needs to be learned. In studying moral behavior, there are three main points are:
• Learn what is expected by the social group to its members, as stated in the laws, customs, and regulations
• Develop a conscience
• Learning experience feelings of shame and guilt when the behavior does not match the expectations of the group. Therefore, it is necessary to have an opportunity for social interaction in children in order to learn about what is expected by the group.
Socialization is the process by which children develop the habits, skills, values, and motivations that make them responsible members of society and productive. Children who successfully socialize no longer just comply with the rules or orders to obtain rewards or avoid punishment, but makes social standards as their standard.
Self-regulation is the control over their own behavior to adapt to the demands or expectations caregivers, even when there was no nanny. Self-regulation is the basis of socialization, and connect all developmental domains-physical, cognitive, emotional, and social. By way of "reading" the parents' emotional response to their behavior, children are constantly absorbing information the actions of their parents approved. The more they process, store and act on this information, a strong desire to please their parents drive them to do things that parents want, regardless of whether their parents are in place to be able to see.
Before you can control their own behavior, children need to be set, or control, process their attention and regulate negative emotions (Eisenberg, 2000). Attention regulation allows children to develop willpower and overcome frustration (Sethi, Miscel, Aber, et al, 2000)
Regulation grows with the development of self-awareness and evaluative emotions such as empathy, shame, and guilt (Lewis, 1995, 1997, 1998). The growth of self-regulation requires the ability to wait for satisfaction. Rergulasi growth with respect to the measurement of the development of conscience, such as resist the temptation and pay for mistakes (Eisenberg, 2000). In most children, the development of self-regulation intact take at least three years (Kopp, 1982).
The origin of conscience is committed Compliance conscience, consisting of emotional discomfort about do anything wrong and the ability to refrain from such acts. Before children can develop their conscience should have moral standards are internalized. Conscience depend on the desire to do what is right for children believe that it is right, not (like self-regulation) than other people because they so. However, the control hold dir-conscious or full effort, resist the urge impulse, which is the self-regulatory mechanisms that appear during childhood may contribute to the development of conscience by first taking him to voluntarily obey the commandments and prohibitions parents (Kochanska, et al , 1997).
Children assessed showed an attitude of compliance committed if they voluntarily carry out orders without being reminded. The children show when they are reminded of situational compliance: compliance depends on the ongoing control by the parent.
Successful socialization is affected by the attachment relationship between parents of children with less warm and responsive to each other so that foster adherence to committed and conscience development. Children were considered to have a relationship ank a res [ponsif reciprocal with their mothers tended to show moral emotions such as guilt and empathy. Although the parents had a major impact on the lives of her children, relate to other children both inside and outside the home is necessary from infancy onwards.
Moral child's stage of development (a holistic view)
• ages 6-12 Months: parents began to use discipline to guide, control and protect the baby.
• Age 12-18 Months: making commitments and comply in accordance with the state of an early sign of conscience. Attention to the defective or broken object reflects anxiety in doing the wrong thing.
• Age 18-30 Months: children may exhibit behavioral help. Guilt, shame, and empathy encourage moral development. Aggression-related toys and ruan appear.
• Age 30-36 Months: Physical aggression is reduced, more verbal
• 3-4 Years: the behavior of helping others become more prevalent, the motive to get compliments and avoid rejection. Guilt and concern about making mistakes heightened. Rigid moral reasoning.
• Age 5-6 Years: moral reasoning more flexible
• Age 7-8 Years: the more flexible moral reasoning. Increased empathy and prosocial behavior. Aggression, especially the type of hostility is reduced.
Theoretically, based on aspects of development, a child can learn best when their physical needs are met and they feel psychologically safe and comfortable. In addition, another thing to note is that children construct their own knowledge, children learn through social interaction with adults and other children., Children learn through play, the child's interest and curiosity motivated to learn while playing and there are individual variations in the development and learning.
Cognitive development is characterized by a kemamapuan to plan, execute a strategy to remember, and to find solutions to a problem.
Children ages birth to six years is the figure of the individual and sociocultural beings who are experiencing growth and is fundamental to the next life with a number of potential and specific characteristics. As an individual, early childhood is an organism that is a whole body and mind intact with all its structure and biological and psychological devices so concentrated in a unique figure. As a socio-cultural beings, they need to grow and develop in a social setting where he lives and need to be nurtured and educated according sociocultural values and expectations of society.
- Rini Hildayani, et al., Psychology Child Development, User Content Module 1-2 PGTK, Open University
- Prof.Dr.H.Djaali, Educational Psychology, Earth Literacy, Jakarta, 2009
- Yuliani Conscience Sujiono, et al., Methods of Cognitive Development, User Content Module 1-12, Open University
- Papalia Olds Feldman, Human Development, Salemba Humanika, Jakarta.2009
- Drs. Slamet Sugianto M.Ed, Basic Concepts of Early Childhood Education, Ministry of National Education, Jakarta
- Dr. Conscience Yuliani Sujiono, M Ed, Basic Concepts of Early Childhood Education, PT. Index, Jakarta 2009
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