Cognitive abilities needed by children in order to develop his knowledge of what he can see, hear, taste, touch or smell it through its senses. Cognitive development also known as cognitive development. Cognitive development emphasizes how children actively construct their thinking. Cognitive development is also very focused on how to think children change from one point to the development of the next development period.
The term "Cognitive" is derived from the word cognition means understanding, understand. Understanding the extent of (cognition) is the acquisition, organization, and use of knowledge (Neisser, 1976). In a further development, then the term cognitive is becoming popular as one of the areas of human psychology / one concept that includes all forms of identification which includes any behavior-related mental problems understanding, attention, giving, thinking, reasoning, imagining, predicting, thinking and confidence. Including mental health centers in the brain is also associated with konasi (the will) and affective (feeling), related to the flavor. According to psychologists kognitifis stream, a person's behavior is always based on cognition, action knew or in thinking about the situation in which the behavior occurred.
Jean Piaget states that everything that is learned by individuals and successfully conducted, organized as a schema (schema), a collection of the same thought or activity and organized. These schemes use a variety of objects, including insertion of a thumb, the mother's nipple, pacifier, blanket, toys, and even toes. A child will get more and more schemes, both of which are unusual situation he knew and new situations. In the process the child will filter schemes that they have and start using existing schemes and combine them with each other.
At the end of the scheme are held individually by each person will be integrated into the system of a wider mental processes or also called as the operation (operation). The scheme will steer children toward more sophisticated thinking and logical.
Piaget's theory is a unified story that explains how biological factors and experiences shape cognitive development. Piaget thought as our physical body has a structure that enables us beradaftasi with the world, our mental structures also help beradaftasi the world. Adaftasi include adjustments to the new demands of the environment. Obtaining knowledge of children grew older because they do experiments, new discoveries and modifications thinking they already have to be combined with new knowledge. Ability to deal with new information through means such by Piaget called adaptation (adaptation).
According to Piaget, the adaptation of the schemata that have formed a new stimulus is done in two ways, namely:
1. Assimilation (assimilation)Is referring to a person's ability to receive (take) new information and match it to an existing structure.
2. Accommodation (accomodation)Child is going to change or modify the schema of existing cognitive structures to match objects or events or new information and forming new schemes to fit.
Assimilation and accommodation go hand in hand along with the berkembangnnya knowledge and understanding of children about the world around them. Children interpret any new information based on knowledge (assimilation). However, at the same time children are also doing modifikassi knowledge already possessed by the new knowledge (accommodation). Accommodation rarely occurs without the appearance of assimilation. Assimilation and akomodassi true even for babies who are very small. Baby newborn baby will reflexively suck any object touched his lips. They assimilate all the objects into preparing their schemes.
By sucking the different objects, they learn things such as taste, texture, and shape.
Development of the child's intelligence according to Piaget contain three aspects, namely:
1. The structure is also called the scheme as proposed above
2. Content is also called the content of the specific behavior patterns of individuals when facing something of a problem
3. Function called function, which is related to how a person's intellectual progress.So, intelligence children who are experiencing developmental, structural and content changes or evolving intelligence. Where function and will adaftasi arranged such that it spawned a series of development, and each has a specific psychological structures determining the child's mind skills.
Piaget identified four factors that influence the transitional stage of development, namely:
1. Maturity, is the development of the nervous system. For example, the ability to see or hear due to the maturity of which has been achieved by the nervous system is concerned.
2. Physical or environmental experience, is a reciprocal relationship between organisms with their environment, in their world.
3. Social transmission, the effects obtained in relation to the social environment such as how to care and education of others given to the child.
4. Equilibrasi, namely the ability to regulate in the child so that he was always able to maintain balance and adaptation to the environment.
Furthermore, Piaget argued about cognitive development experienced by each individual in more detail, from infants to adults. Based on his research, Piaget proposed four stages of cognitive development of each individual that developed in chronological order:
a. Sensory motor stage: 0-2 years
b. Preoperative stage: 2-7 years
c. Stage of concrete operations: 7-11 years
d. Stage of formal operations: 11 years and above
a. Sensory-Motor Stage (Sensory Motoric Stage)
According to Piaget, children aged 0-2 years are in the sensory motor stage. In the sensory motor stage. At this stage, babies learn about themselves and their world through their sensory and motor development. Over the past 2 years, the baby went from being a response based on reflexes and behavior toward random behavior Toddlers who already have a specific purpose. At toddlers, they will be able to adjust their behavior according to environmental conditions. They have also been able to coordinate information and step out of their senses and learn by trial-error (trial and error) to use understanding to solve simple problems.
At this stage children are familiar with object permanence, the realization that an object or person remains there even though they are not visible. This awareness is the foundation that makes the child realizes that he is being separated from the people around him. The behavior of a baby relies on reflection. Then, during the next 2 months, babies begin to learn to distinguish objects around it begins with reflections to suck everything it finds around it. Cognitive development of sensory motor stage in children will be seen in its efforts to perform certain movements among the surrounding environments.
Sensory motor stage is divided into 6 subtahapan, namely:
1). Subtahapan 1 (0-1 months): using reflex
2). Subtahapan 2 (1-4 months): primary circular reactions
3). Subtahapan 3 (4-8 months): secondary circular reactions
4). Subtahapan 4 (8-12 months): coordination of secondary schemas
5). Subtahapan 5 (12-18 months): tertiary circular reactions
6). Subtahapan 6 (12-24 months): mental combination
1. Subtahapan 1 (0-1 months) use of reflex
Subtahapan sensorimotor first. Occurred during periods of the first month after birth. In this sub-stage, sensation and reflex actions are coordinated through behaviors such as suckling reflex. Newborns start practicing controlling reflexes that they were born with, engaging in the behavior despite normal stimulus was not present. Examples of the new born child sucking reflex when their lips touched. But they soon learn to look for the nipples though their lips touched, and they sometimes suck when not hungry. Behavior-behavior illustrates how this new baby modify and extend the scheme to suck. The baby is currently studying an active action and is working on a variety of experiences in the first month of his life.
2. Subtahapan 2 (1-4 months) primary circular reactionsIn this sub-phase, infants coordinate sensation with two types of schemes, primary circular reactions and habits. Habits (habits) is a scheme based on one reflexes were entirely separate from the stimulus that brought it. Babies learn to repeat the unpleasant bodily sensations are initially obtained by chance (eg, sucking), suddenly a baby sucking his finger when the finger is placed close to the mouth. He goes looking for his fingers to suck again, but fingers are not able to "work together" because the baby was not able to coordinate the actions of manual and visual, as in the first stage. Babies at this stage in moving the sub feed even when there is no nipple or bottle. A circular reaction is a repetitive action. They began to turn on the sound, and starting to show the ability to coordinate a variety of sensory information (vision and hearing).
3. Subtahapan 3 (4-8 months) secondary circular reactionsAt this stage usb, babies become more object oriented. Switching from a preoccupation with himself. By chance, a baby may shake up jingle toy. Babies will repeat this action for his pleasure. Babies will also imitate some simple movements such as babble or muttering adults. And physical movements. Even so, the baby only been able to mimic the movement does. When the baby is exposed to objects in their environment. Scheme established by the baby is not formed with the purpose (goal-directed).
4. Subtahapan 4 (8-12 mths) coordination of secondary schemasBy the time a baby reaches four sub stage, they learn to generalize from past experience to solve the problem. They will crawl to get something they want, hold it, or away from the obstacle object (eg the hands of others). They modify and coordinate the previous schemes, such as schemes to crawl, encourage grasping, to find a way to succeed. Subthap marks the development of complex behavior aims.
5. Subtahapan 5 (12-18 months) tertiary circular reactionIn this sub-stage, baby intrigued by the many objects in their environment (as well as other things that can be used as objects). A beam can be dropped, played slapped into other objects, and thrown onto the floor. Tertiary circular reactions is a scheme in which the baby is consciously explore new possibilities on the surrounding objects. Piaget said that this stage marks the beginning of the human curiosity and interest in novelty.
6. Subtahapan 6 (18-2 yrs) representational abilityIs a transition ketahap preoperational early childhood. Mental ability to bring back objects and behaviors in the memory, pretty much through symbols such as words, numbers, and the mental image free children from direct experience. They no longer have to struggle through trial and error to solve the sub masalah.pada this stage babies develop the ability to think and remember. they also develop a knowledge-asfek asfek certain of the physical world, especially on various objects and spatial relationships.
b. Pre-operation stage 2-7 yrs (Pre Operational Stage)
Jean Piaget describes the early childhood as the preoperational stage (pre-operational stage) of cognitive development because children at this age are not yet ready to perform logical mental operations, which can only be done at the time they reach the concrete operational stage of childhood middle childhood. This stage the child has a mental picture and be able to pretend, a short step to use the symbol. Children begin presenting their world with words, images and pictures. Symbolic thoughts go beyond simple connections from the sensory information and physical action. The concept began to form stable, mental thoughts emerge, grow egocentrism and magical beliefs ranging constructed.
Preoperational thought can be divided into sub-phases, namely sub-phases and sub-phases of the symbolic function of intuitive thinking.
- Sub Stage Symbolic Function is the first sub-phase of preoperational thought, which occurred roughly between the ages of 2 hingga4 years. The ability to use symbols or mental representations - words, numbers, or pictures where someone attaches a particular meaning. The use of symbols is a universal sign of human culture. Without symbols, humans can not communicate verbally, make changes, map reading, or feel how much precious photo of someone he loves. These symbols help children to think about things that are not physically present. They begin to use language and engage in play "pretend". However, despite the progress children make is unique in sub stage, they thought progress still has some important limitations, two of which are egocentrism and animism.
Egocentrism is the inability to distinguish oneself perspective and the perspective of others.Animism is another limitation of preoperational thought, is the belief that objects have a life that does not move and the ability to act (Gelman and Opfer, 2004). A child may indicate animismenya by saying, "The tree is pushing the leaves, and the leaves were falling." A child who uses animism failing to distinguish the right events by using the perspectives of human and non-human.
- Sub Stages Intuitive Mind is a sub second stage of preoperational thought. Occurs roughly between the ages of 4 to 7 years. In this sub-stage, children begin to use primitive reasoning and want to know the answers of all questions. For example, tommy, 4-year-old, who was on stage sub intuitive thinking. Although he began developing his views themselves about the world in which he lived, his views are still modest, and he was not very good to think about things more.
c. Sub Stage Operation Concrete (Concrete Operational Stage)
Sub concrete operational stage (7-11 years) developed by using logical thinking. Children can solve the problem of conservation - conservation and concrete problems. Two reverbilitas, inversion and reciprocity, indevenndent used in thinking. During the year, Operation develops logically and classification. Children - children can think logically, but have not been able to apply logical and abstract hypothetical problem. The development of effective primary for the concrete operational stage is a sense of conservation. The development is instrumental in improving the regulation and stability efektif.tahap concrete operational thinking is a phase transition between preoperational stage to the stage of formal thinking (logic). During the concrete operational stage of a child's attention leads to logical operations very quickly. This stage is not long and is dominated by the perception and the child can solve problems and be able to survive with pengalamannya.keseluruhan should always be observed between cognitive and affective development in every child tahap.pertumbuhan can be seen from the concept moral.seperti he understands the rules, lying, attention, and law.
d.Subtahapan formal operational (11 years and over)
during the formal oprasi (11-15 years), mature cognitive structures menjada quality, children begin to apply the concrete operations for all the problems in the face in the classroom. Children can apply logical thinking of the problems associated with the hypothesis that the future.
To concrete operational thinking behind, inversion and reciprocity, which are used freely. Two kinds of thinking upside being coordinated in formal thinking. Some of the important underlying structures during construction operations including formal hypothesis deductive thinking, the ability to think about the actual condition of the hypothesis as the actual conditions and the ability to conclude based on the premises of the hypothesis. Two cognitive content developed during the first stage of formal operations is proportional or combined operations, and formal operations is proportional scheme or combination of operations, and formal operations schemes, such as the proportion and probability, faster on the lid as scientific thinking.
Formal operations are not so abstract when compared to proportional thinking. According kohstan, intelligence can be developed, but limited in terms of quality, the development could be developed, but limited in terms of quality, the development was limited to the limits only, limited in terms of improving the quality of intelligence, and ways of thinking methodically .
To measure the level of intelligence of children, can be used for example of Binet IQ test simon. From simon
Binet test results, in intelligence make the following classifications:
1. Genius> 140;
2. Gifted> 130;
3. Superior> 120;
4. Normal 90 -110;
5. Debil 60 -79;
6. Imbeciles 40 -55;
7. Idiot> 30.
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