Emotional aspects of social development in early childhood are expected to have the ability and competence and learning outcomes to be achieved is the ability to know the neighborhood, know nature, to know the social environment, the role of the community and appreciate the social and cultural diversity that is around the child and able to develop the concept of self , a positive attitude toward learning, have good self control and have a sense of empathy for other people's problems.
A. Theory of social emotional development
a. Doyle theory, that the child needs the love and affection but also membutuhkn sense of security. Sense of security is sought by the son of a father and mother. Emotional closeness between child and parents is very important so that children can meet the needs of sense of safety.
b. Theory R.A. Thompson, the child will have good interaction with emotion when he has a good relationship with the family and he taught his family how to behave in the future.
c. Golemen theory, emotions are often associated as a result of what is in getting often cause emotions and anger. Emotions are energy applications of thinking and acting.
d. Theory J. Kagan, a child's emotions with other children who have different, it depends on how adults provide emotional ties to them.
e. Theory of John Bowlby, the role of caregivers (mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc.), consistency, and the environment. Caregivers with children who are often able to read the signs or the child's response. Similarly, a consistent environment will make the child more closely with people and situations that are always with the children.
f. Sigmund Freud's theory, that the attachment of a child is not a psychic, but more on food.
B. The factors that distinguish emotions
a. Parenting a parent.Parenting the parents of the children varied. There is a parental pattern according to what is considered best by himself alone, so there is an authoritarian, indulgent child, indifferent, but there are also full of love. Differences in parenting from parents such as these can affect the emotional development of each child's differences.
Family is first and foremost institution in the lives of children, a place to learn and express themselves as social beings, because the family is the first social group where children can interact. From his experience in this family interact will determine the child's behavior patterns also tehadap others in their environment. In forming the personality of a child, the family had a great impact. Many factors affect the families who participated in the development of a child's personality, one factor is the parents' upbringing.
This means the care of parents to educate, guide, and discipline and to protect children in accordance with the norms that exist in society. Where a task is related to direct the child to be independent in his adult life, both physically and psychologically.
According to Goleman way parents treat their children will provide a deep and permanent effect on the lives of children. also found that couples who are emotionally more skilled is the most successful partners in helping their children experience emotional changes. Emotional education begins in the earliest moments in the span of human life, which is in its infancy. Ideally, parents will take part in the maturation of the children because of the child's parents will learn independently through social learning process by modeling.
b. Traumatic experience.Traumatic events of the past can affect a person's emotional development, traces the impact of fear and too cautious attitude inflicted can last a lifetime. Traumatic events can be sourced from the family environment or the environment outside the family.
c. Temperament.Temperament can be defined as a mood that characterizes our emotional life. Up to a certain stage each individual has its own range of emotions, temperament is innate, and is part of the genetic range has a remarkable power in human life.
d. Gender.Gender differences have an effect related to the hormonal differences between men and women, the role of influential social demands and also to the difference in characteristics between the two emotions.
e. AgeThe development of emotional maturity of a person with increasing age. This is because the emotional maturity is influenced by physiological levels of growth and maturity of a person. As women age, hormonal levels in the body also decreases, resulting in decreased impact on emotional state. However, in this case did not rule out someone who is old, his emotional state is like a young man prone to violent outbursts. This can be caused due to abnormalities in the body, especially the members of the physical abnormalities. Abnormalities that may occur due to the influence of many foods that stimulate the formation of hormonal levels.
f. Physical changes.Physical changes indicated by the rapid growth of the limb. In the early stages of this petumbuhan confined to certain parts of the resulting posture becomes unbalanced. This body imbalances often have an unpredictable effect on the emotional development of learners. Not every student can receive a change in the condition of the body such as this, the more changes are related to changes in the skin becomes rough and full of acne. Certain hormones begin to function in line with the development of the genitals that can cause stimulation in the child's body and often cause problems in the development of emotions.
g. Changes in interaction with peers.Early adolescent children often build interaction among peers is typically assembled in a way to do activities together to form a sort of gang. Interactions between gang members in a group are usually very intense and has a cohesiveness and solidarity is very high. Fakor often leading to emotional problems during this period was a love affair with the friend of the opposite sex. These symptoms are actually healthy for the early teens, but not infrequently lead to conflict or emotional distress on them if not followed by guidance from parents or older people.
h. Outside view of the changes.There are a number of changes to the outside world view that can lead to emotional conflicts in a child, namely:• The attitude of the outside world to a child is often inconsistent.• The outside world or the people are still applying different values for boys and girls.• Often used by the child void outside irresponsible.
i. Interaction with school change.Schools where education is highly idealized by children. The teachers are very important figures in their lives because in addition to the intellectual, the teacher is also an authority figure for the learners. Therefore, it is not uncommon to believe more children, more obedient, even more afraid of the teacher rather than to their parents. The position here is very strategic when teachers are used to emotional development of children through the delivery of materials in a positive and constructive.
C. Emotions affect the personal and social adjustment of children
• Emotion adds pleasure to experience a day - the dayEmotions such as anger and fear also adds pleasure to life by giving a pleasure. Enjoyment is mainly caused by the unpleasant consequences.
• Emotions prepare the body for actionThe stronger the emotion will increasingly shake the balance of the body to prepare to act. If this preparation was not useful, the child will be restless and uneasy.
• interfere with motor skills of emotional tensionPreparation of the body to act actually causes disruption in motor skills so that children become awkward and can cause speech disorders such as speech that is clear and bumble.
• Emotion is a form of communicationThrough facial expressions and physical changes that accompany emotions, children can communicate their feelings to others and get to know different kinds of feelings of others.
• Emotions interfere with mental activityBecause mental activities such as concentration, recall, reasoning, etc., very easily influenced by powerful emotions, the children produce their achievements under the intellectual ability of their emotions when disturbed.
• Emotions are a source of self-assessment and socialAssess adult children of how children express their emotions and what is the dominant emotion. Treatment of adults that are based on these assessments are the basis for the child to perform self-assessment.
• Emotions color the child's outlook on lifeHow children view their role in life and their position in the social groups affected by the emotion that is on them as shy, fearful, aggressive, curious or happy.
• Emotions affect social interactionAll emotion, whether pleasant or not menyenanngkan, encourage social interaction. through the emotions of children to learn how to change behavior in order to menyusuaikan to the demands and social measures.
• Emotional facial expressions show his impression onUnpleasant emotions that will enhance children's faces, whereas unpleasant emotions would tarnish the face and causing children to become less attractive. Because most people are interested or not depends on facial expressions, emotions play an important role for social acceptance.
• Emotions affect the psychological moodBoth at home, school, neighborhood or on the playground, children's emotions affect the psychological mood that occurs, and vice versa tempertantrum annoying and embarrassing children of others, thus changing the psychological atmosphere of anger and hatred. This makes the child feel unloved and unwanted.
• Emotional reactions if repeated will develop into a habitEach child's expression of emotion that would satisfy repeated at a certain time will develop into a habit. With the growth of children, if they meet the social reaction to an unpleasant, they will have difficulties to change habits.
D. Condition affecting the emotional development
Emotional development is controlled by a process of maturation and learning. Five forms of the most important ways of learning are as follows:1. learn by trial and error (trial and error),2. to imitate (imitation),3. by likening the (identification),4. with conditioning (conditioning),5. and the training (training).
E. A common pattern of emotional
• Fear• Sense of awkward• Worrying• Anxiety• Anger• Jealousy• Grief• The excitement, joy, joy• Love saying
F. Conditions that support the emergence of a heightened emotionality
a. The physical conditionIf the equilibrium disturbed due to fatigue, poor health, or changes stemming from the development, then the child will experience a heightened emotionality.• Ill health, caused by poor nutrition, digestive disorders or diseases.• Conditions that stimulate, such as hives or eczema.• Each of chronic disorders, such as asthma, or diabetes.• Changes in the gland, especially during puberty. Gland disorders may also be caused by chronic emotional stress, such as the floating anxiety (free floating anxiety).
b. Psychological conditions,Psychological influences are important, among others, the level of intelligence, level of aspiration, and anxiety.• Equipment Intellectual bad. Low intellectual level of children on average have less emotional control than children who are good at the same age.• Failure to achieve the level of aspiration. Repeated failure could result in a state of anxiety, a little or a lot.• Anxiety after a certain emotional experience that is very strong. for example, due to the continuation of the menakuktkan experience will result in the child afraid of any situation that felt threatened.
c. Environmental conditions,Constant tension, tight schedules, and too many disturbing experiences that stimulate children to excess.• The tension caused by the quarrels and disputes continued.• Excessive restraint, such as the authoritarian discipline• The attitude of the parents, who are too anxious or over protective.• authoritarian atmosphere in the school, teachers who are too demanding or school work that is incompatible with the child's ability will cause anger that the child came home in a state of upset.
Factors affecting the influence of different social groups
• Ability to be acceptable to the groupChildren who are popular and look at the possibility of gaining the acceptance of the more affected groups and are less influenced by the family in comparison with children of her interaction with the not so familiar. Children who only see a small chance to be accepted that small groups are motivated to conform to group standards.
• Security for the group stasusChildren who feel safe in the group will feel free to express their lack of match with the opinion of other members. Conversely those who feel insecure will adjust as possible and will follow the other members.
• Study groupsThe influence of social groups from a distance, the degree of relationship of affection between members of the group. In the primary group (such as family or peer group) of fish in the group a stronger relationship in comparison with the secondary group (such as play groups in organizing or social club) or in the tertiary (including those relating to child inside the bus, train, etc.). As a result, the primary group has the strongest influence on children.
• The difference in group membershipIn a group, the greatest influence usually arise from the leader of the group and the smallest effect comes from the most unpopular member.
• PersonalityChildren who feel inadequate or inferior is more influenced by the groups were compared with those who have self-confidence is great and is more accepting of yourself. Children with authoritarian kepribaadian pattern most influenced group because they always feel afraid that is not liked by their peers.
• Motif mergeThe stronger the motive the children to join (affiliation motive), the desire to be accepted, the more susceptible they are to influence other members, especially the influence of those who have high status within the group. The more they want to be accepted and are willing to be influenced by the group.
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