Once born, a baby begins to recognize its environment and the people closest. Their souls are still soft it would be easily shaped by the environment and dicorakkan first. "Children are God's message to his parents". "His heart is pure as the original mine was cleared of all shades and colors .. He is ready to set up for just about any dependent constituent desires. If allowed and nurtured to become good then it would be good. Both parents, teachers, educators, and caregivers will also reap the happiness in the world and the hereafter. Conversely, if accustomed to ugliness and built it like a neglected farm animals, then it becomes poorer, and he will lose. Parents, teachers, educators and caregivers also will share in her sins ".
Prophet Muhammad. He said: "Every new born child who was born with a disposition. Parents who make it Jewish, Zoroastrian, and Christian. " Of it would need is parents, teachers, educators and caregivers to learn about developments in early childhood care. In order for the amount of children who later became coveted the old space.
Children ages birth - <6 years is called early childhood, the individual person who is undergoing a process of rapid and fundamental developments in the next life. The process of parenting as a form of treatment in children must consider the characteristics that owned every stage of child development.
According to Ki Kajar Dewantara parenting comes from the word "custody" means a leader, manager, supervisor. Then the caregiver is a person who performs the task of guiding, leading or managing. In this case the intention is to maintain a nanny and educated him with understanding. Ki Hajar Dewantara education in Indonesia divided into three parts: informal, in the family, the school formal and nonformal ie in the community.
According to Ki Kajar Dewantara parenting comes from the word "custody" means a leader, manager, supervisor. Then the caregiver is a person who performs the task of guiding, leading or managing. In this case the intention is to maintain a nanny and educated him with understanding. Ki Hajar Dewantara education in Indonesia divided into three parts: informal, in the family, the school formal and nonformal ie in the community.
Ki Hajar Dewantara apply the five concepts in the care of one. 1. Habituation, 2. Learn while playing, 3. Learning by providing the example. 4. The introduction of the principle of religious norms, and 5. Will motivate and excite.
II. Early Childhood Education
Under the basic law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 1 paragraph 14 states that "UIA Early Child Education (early childhood) is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulation to help growth and development of physical and mental readiness of the child to have to enter further education. In the process, the public has shown concern for the problems of education, upbringing, and protection for young children ages birth to 6 years with various types of services in accordance with the conditions and capabilities, both in formal and nonformal education pathways. Parenting programs for children ages birth - <6 years into non-formal education channels.
Under the basic law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 1 paragraph 14 states that "UIA Early Child Education (early childhood) is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulation to help growth and development of physical and mental readiness of the child to have to enter further education. In the process, the public has shown concern for the problems of education, upbringing, and protection for young children ages birth to 6 years with various types of services in accordance with the conditions and capabilities, both in formal and nonformal education pathways. Parenting programs for children ages birth - <6 years into non-formal education channels.
Achievement levels of growth and early childhood development from birth to six years, is the actualization of the potential of all aspects of development that is expected to be achieved at each stage of child development. Educators (teachers, assistant teachers, and caregivers) and staff must be qualified and competent as required by the government.
Developmental level of achievement that describe the growth and development of children is expected to be achieved at any particular age range. Development of children who achieved an understanding of the integration aspects of religious values and moral, physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional. In order for children to achieve an optimal level of development, it takes the involvement of parents and adults to provide the stimulus that is comprehensive and integrated plan that includes education, parenting, health, nutrition, and protection provided consistently through habituation.
Levels of achievement based on the development of the child's age group: 0 - <2 years, 2 - <4 years; and 4 - <6 years.Age grouping of children
1. Phase aged 0 - <2 years old, the age group consisting of:
a. <3 months
b. 3 - <6 months
c. 6 - <9 months
d. 9 - <12 months
e. 12 - <18 months
f. 18 - <24 months
2. Phase aged 2 - <4 years old, the age group consisting of:
a. 2 - <3 years
b. 3 - <4 years
3. Phase ages 4 - <6 years age group consisting of:
a. 4 - <5 years
b. 5 - <6 years
1. Phase aged 0 - <2 years old, the age group consisting of:
a. <3 months
b. 3 - <6 months
c. 6 - <9 months
d. 9 - <12 months
e. 12 - <18 months
f. 18 - <24 months
2. Phase aged 2 - <4 years old, the age group consisting of:
a. 2 - <3 years
b. 3 - <4 years
3. Phase ages 4 - <6 years age group consisting of:
a. 4 - <5 years
b. 5 - <6 years
IV. EDUCATORS, Nurse and staff
Early childhood educators are professionals who are in charge of planning. Implement the learning process, and assess learning outcomes, as well as coaching, nurturing and protection of students.Academic standards and teacher competency, teacher assistant, and caregivers.
a. competence of personality:
- Act and behave in accordance with the needs of the child psikogis
- Act and behave in accordance with the norms of religion, culture and beliefs
- Present themselves as a person noble character
- Act and behave in accordance with the needs of the child psikogis
- Act and behave in accordance with the norms of religion, culture and beliefs
- Present themselves as a person noble character
b. professional competence
- Understand the stages of child development
- Understand the growth and development of children
- Understand the provision of educational stimulation, nurturing, and protection
- Develop cooperation with parents in the education, nurturing, and
child protection
- Understand the stages of child development
- Understand the growth and development of children
- Understand the provision of educational stimulation, nurturing, and protection
- Develop cooperation with parents in the education, nurturing, and
child protection
c. pedagogical competence
- Plan the educational program of activities, nurturing, and protection
- Carry out the process of education, upbringing, and protection
- Carry out an assessment of the processes and outcomes of education, upbringing, and
- Plan the educational program of activities, nurturing, and protection
- Carry out the process of education, upbringing, and protection
- Carry out an assessment of the processes and outcomes of education, upbringing, and
d. social competence
- Adapt to the environment
- Communicate effectively
- Adapt to the environment
- Communicate effectively
1. Birth - <3 years
A. Physical development
- Physical skills develop rapidly
- Sit down and crawl; crawl
- Start to walk and run
- Motor skills are developing well: it can take an object that
smaller than the pile - Set the spoon or fork to feed
- Begin to grasp and release an object
- Sit down and crawl; crawl
- Start to walk and run
- Motor skills are developing well: it can take an object that
smaller than the pile - Set the spoon or fork to feed
- Begin to grasp and release an object
B. Social development
- React to other people
- Enjoy the time to hang out with other kids
- Be able to maintain skills with other children for a period very short
- Be able to share without the need to persuade
- Shows very little ability to delay gratification
- Can mimic the actions of others
- Begin to engage in parallel play
- Enjoy the time to hang out with other kids
- Be able to maintain skills with other children for a period very short
- Be able to share without the need to persuade
- Shows very little ability to delay gratification
- Can mimic the actions of others
- Begin to engage in parallel play
c. Developments emosianal
- Can not tolerate frustration
- Easy to cry or shout
- Often not able to control the urge or impulse
- Begin to express affection
- Requires a routine and a sense of security
- Starting to feel the emotions of other children
- Begin to express themselves, sometimes with a firm
d. Perlembangan cognitive
- To investigate the sensory motor against the dominance of the environment
- Development of a fast walk
- Develop a feeling or sense of a fixed object
- Develop the aspects of language
- Begin to use some numbers; number and color, but not understand
2. Ages 3 - <4 years
a. Physical development
- Improvement of physical skills
- Riding a tricycle
- Pacing up and down stairs, with alternating feet
- Ran
- Jump in with both feet
- Walking on balance beam
- Climbing on playground equipment
- Can also dress and undress themselves
- Catch the ball by using the arm
- Running back and at the top end of the toe
- Holds crayon with fingers
b. Social development
- Become more aware of yourself
- Develop a sense of humility
- Become aware of racial and sexual difference
- Be able to take direction, follow a few rules
- Have strong feelings towards the home and family
- Indicates a growth in terms of feeling or sense of confidence in yourself
- Parallel play; start playing games that require cooperation
- Have imaginary playmates
c. Emotional development
- Can memklumi some prustasi
- Begin to develop self-control
- Appreciate the shock and certain events
- Begins to show a sense of humor
- Begin to express affection about openly
- Fear of the dark, feeling neglected, or in unfamiliar situations
d. Cognitive development
- Can follow two commands
- Can make a judgment count the number of mistakes they have made
- Develop vocabulary quickly
- Using figures without understanding
- The difficulty in distinguishing between fantasy with reality
- Start doing the classification, mainly based on the function of an object
- Begin to use some abstract words that are functional
- Start asking the question "why" is often
- Thinking is egocentric
3. Age 5 - <6 years
- Can make a judgment count the number of mistakes they have made
- Develop vocabulary quickly
- Using figures without understanding
- The difficulty in distinguishing between fantasy with reality
- Start doing the classification, mainly based on the function of an object
- Begin to use some abstract words that are functional
- Start asking the question "why" is often
- Thinking is egocentric
3. Age 5 - <6 years
a. Physical development
- Jump with legs that turns
- Riding two-wheelers
- Make the throw with a fair and thorough
- Catch the ball by hand
- Doing the rounds or back somersault
- Take part in games that require physical skills
- An increase of small muscle development; coordination between eye and hands of a well-developed
- Increase in the procurement of fine motor skills; can use a hammer, a pencil, scissors, etc.
- Be able to copy geometric drawings
- Cut on the line
- Print some letters
- Can play a paste and glue
- Begin to lose teeth (tooth)
- Work hand skills are getting better
b. Social development
- Expressed the idea that rigid about gender roles
- Have a good friend, though for a short period
- Fight a lot but in a short time
- Can share and take turns
- Took part in every activity in school experience
- Consider every teacher is a very important
- Want to be that no one
- Become more possessive of hers goods
c. Emotional development
- Be able to express feelings
- Better control agresidengan
- Declared to be funny taste in jokes, nonsense words
- Learning about things that are true of things that are wrong
- Began to be expressed
d. Cognitive development
- Show interest in its infancy
- Can sort the objects in the proper sequence
- Be able to classify objects
- Doing things on purpose, less impulsive
- Often difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality
- Begin to use language with aggressive, especially in terms of classification
- Starting to realize about the awareness of the picture and words that can be presenting real objects
- Became interested in the number and letter writing
- Know the color
- Not to be sepontan use exercise in a memory task
- Can do up to three orders at once
- Some children begin to use numbers; number, length
The ratio of the number of children and teachers / caregivers is important to note, because it affects the quality of parenting and education. Parenting programs for infants under 1 year of age (nursery), the ideal ratio is one nurse caring for an infant (1:1); program toddlers (1-2 years) the comparison of a nanny caring for 4 children (1:4); playgroup program ( 3-4 years) of a nanny caring for eight children (1:8); kindergarten program, ideally a teacher fostering 10 children (1:10).
Nanny character is very well determine the success of this program. Therefore, patient and caregiver should be able to portray themselves as parents, so children feel comfortable and protected.
1. Calendar care tailored to the needs and policies.2. Early years activities can be started at any time.3. Transfer of children to a larger age group do when a child enters birthday.4. Displacement group through the transition program first.5. End of activities can be adapted to the end of primary school, especially for children ages 6 years to go on to primary school.
1. Care activities is a vehicle for early childhood education to help lay the foundation towards the development of attitudes, knowledge, skills, creativity is required of children, in adjusting to their environment and further the growth and development as well as to prepare children to enter further education.
2. Preparation of Care Plan made by the teacher / teacher assistant, nanny along with the manager.
3. Planning activities include:
a. Term action plans
b. Weekly activity plan
c. Plan daily activities
a. Term action plans
b. Weekly activity plan
c. Plan daily activities
4. Action plans have been prepared using a thematic approach.
The selection was based on a theme:
a. Child's interest
b. Availability of tools and resources
c. Can be associated with special events, a day of celebration, the extraordinary events
favored child.
The selection was based on a theme:
a. Child's interest
b. Availability of tools and resources
c. Can be associated with special events, a day of celebration, the extraordinary events
favored child.
5. The planning of activities should be based on:
a. Level of development and the needs and interests of children
b. Integrating health, nutrition, education, parenting and
c. Be gradual
d. Implemented through activities that encourage children to play an active, creative,
interactive, and get experience in a fun
e. Involving parents in parenting activities.
a. Level of development and the needs and interests of children
b. Integrating health, nutrition, education, parenting and
c. Be gradual
d. Implemented through activities that encourage children to play an active, creative,
interactive, and get experience in a fun
e. Involving parents in parenting activities.
08:00 to 09:00: - preparing a plaything, welcomed the arrival of children and old.
- Journals in the morning (see the development of children and engage in dialogue with
- Clean up (do teachers and students)
- Breakfast (activities subject to change)
09:00 to 09:30: - play freely outside, activity gross motor (outdoor)
10:30 to 11:30: - circle time themes (the introduction of the concept)
- Talk (stori telling)
- Division of the group
- The center
11:30 to 12:30: - clean up time
- Eat biscuits / snacks and drinks
- Recalling (what you have done / do the child)
- Singing
- Lunch
2:30 to 12:45: - toiletting, cleanse the body and change clothes
12:45 to 14:30: - tell / read a story book
- Take a nap
14:30 to 15:30: - I wake up, shower afternoon
- Eat a snack
15:30 to 16:00: - free play (toy set on indoor / outdoor)
- Told / read that story
- Journal afternoon (see the development of children and engage in dialogue
with children, activities such as drawing, talking, and listening children songs
- Waiting for the parents picked up (return).
Examples of Main Activities for Children Ages Birth - 2 years | ||
No. | Child Activities | Sample Tools / Materials Prepared |
1 | Playing facial expression | a mother's facial expressions with a variety of facial expressions |
2 | play peekaboo | cloth or handkerchief, hiding with a veil |
3 | play krincingan | krincingan cans filled with stones, objects that produce sound |
4 | fingers playing | her fingers played played |
5 | play the mirror | Let your child looking at herself in the mirror |
6 | playing soccer balls | balls to be thrown, chased, kicked |
7 | play ball | small balls made of rubber sound when squeezed |
8 | Squeezing / tearing | paper, plastic bags for crushed / torn |
9 | Taking things | beads, seeds, cans, bottles, etc. |
10 | Train the dining | plates, plastic spoons of food |
11 | Fill / empty | the various containers, objects, seeds, etc. |
12 | play car toy | car toy that can be pulled / pushed |
13 | music playing | Canned, pot tin plates, spoons, etc. |
14 | skips rope playing | skips rope, chalk to make the boundary |
1. Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan ”Taman Penitipan Anak” 2010
2. Nurani Sujiono Yuliani , ”Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini”. 2009.
3. BNSP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). No. 1934/BNSP/X/2009.
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