Thursday, August 16, 2012


 Since the moment of conception, human beings have a variety of developmental processes. Field of human development (human development) is a scientific study of these processes. The scientists saw the development of a variety of ways people change in sepenjang lifespans, such as size and shape of the physiological, as well as the characteristic which remains fairly stable.

 Aged 6-12 years are school days for children. At this age children begin to use all aspects of development with more leverage. Cognitive functions they have started work on a regular basis and focus, as their regular activities for the school. Physical growth during this period tend to be slow, but showed significant changes. And social development of their language evolved rapidly since the time this happens the better interaction with their environment.

Aged 6-12 years or so-called middle childhood is a period of interest to be discussed and studied. All aspects of development they began to use it well. It lies behind the author to prepare a paper entitled "Development of Childhood Ages 6-12 years".

of this paper I will discuss the following issues:   

1. How the physical development in middle childhood? 

2. How cognitive development in middle childhood? 

3. How social development in middle childhood? 

4. What about language development in middle childhood?

My purpose of writing this article so that I can know and understand how physical, cognitive, social and language in middle childhood.

A. Physical and motor development of 

1. Physical Development 
Middle childhood period from about age 6-11 years old include slower growth and consistent. It is a quiet period before the rapid growth spurts during adolescence.  At this time of physical growth is not significant but still noticeable changes. Child's height increased by about 5-8 cm every year. 
This physical growth must be supported by nutrition and adequate sleep. Children should get enough calories each day (about 2400 calories) and the composition of the food is good to avoid being overweight or obese.

 The need for sleep decreased from approximately 11 hours per day at age 5 to 10 hours per day at age 9 yearsand about 9 hours per day at age 13. Most of the kids sleep through the night and have a one-time nap time. Sometimes it is hard to take small children to sleep because they are happy to extend the routine before bed. Him relax before bed may reduce this problem. Sleep problems are common place in this period. 
Which is getting stronger physically make the children often play a game of chaos and violence (rough and tumble play) at the time of day isitirahat. Grappling, kicking, dropping each other, wrestling and chasing an example of this game.

Tables of Physical Development 

     -  Children can go down stairs, jumping, hopping and change direction 
     - Can be dressed without assistance 
     - Can be dressed without assistance
     - Milk teeth start date is replaced by permanent teeth
     -  increased balance and body control 
     - increased speed and jumping ability
     - average girl begins to show the onset of puberty, adolescence and the growth began to occur rapidly
   Sources: Human Development, (Papalia Olds Feldman, 2009) 
2. The development of motor 
At this time the motor development of children to be better coordinated than in the early childhood. In activities involving gross motor skills are usually boys are superior to girls. 
When children through elementary school years, they gain greater control over their bodies and can sit up and take notice in a longer time. Nevertheless, primary school children are still far from mature physically and they have to stay active. The physical act is important for these children to improve their skills is growing. Primary school children should be more involved in active than passive.
Table Motor Development 

behavior of selected
          • Girls are superior in accuracy of movement; boys are superior in actions that are not too complicated and dangerous 
      • Can jump 
      • Children can throw the weight transfer and appropriate measures
          • balance on one foot without looking at the possible 
      • Children can walk on the balance board as wide as 5 cm 
      • Children can tiptoe and jump into a small box 
      • Children may engage in jumping with legs open, then closed again with accurate 

          • Children have the grip strength of 5 kg 
      • The number of games played by boys and girls are in the greatest time at this stage 
      • Children can creep with alternating rhythm with a pattern of 2-2, 2-3, or 3-3 
      • The girls can throw a small ball as far as 12 m
           • Young male = male can run 5 m / sec• Boys DAPT throw a small ball as far as 21 m 
          • Children are able to assess and prevent malicious lane small ball being thrown from a certain distance 
      • Girls can run as far as 5m/ sec
           • Boys can jump as far as 1.5 m and for girls is less than 1.8 m
Sources: Human Development (Feldman Papalia Olds, 2009) pp. 434

B. Cognitive development of 

1. Concrete Operational Stage 
According to Piaget was a stage during the Concrete Operational. They can use a variety of mental operations, such as reasoning, problem-solving concrete (real). Children in this age to be able to think logically because they are not too self-centered than ever before and can consider the various aspects of the situation. However, their thinking is still confined to the real thoughts saai here and now. Cognitive progress during this period include conservation, classification, seriation, and transitivity. 
a. Conservation 
Conservation task to demonstrate the ability of children in concrete operations. For example, when given two lumps of clay in the same amount and then a modified form clumps, then the child was asked "whether the second weight is the same clay?", If during the preoperational child would answer not at the concrete operational child will answer "yes the same ". 
b. Classification 
Many operations involving Piaget identified concrete ways children think about the characteristics of the object. In particular, the children can understand seriasi concrete operations (seriation) and transivity. 

1) Seriation: ability to sort the items along the dimensions. 

2) Transivity: Understanding the relationship between two objects in the knowledge
relations with a third object.
2. Information Processing 

After the age of 6 or 7 years, children are better able to pay attention to relevant details in the completion of tasks or problems, such as guidance. These changes indicate changes in cognitive konterol the attention that the child acted with reason is more controlled. Children who are older can focus their attention on stimuli-stimuli are more important, rather than controlled by the stimulus is striking in its environment. 
School-age children are also more understanding of how memory works and may use different strategies or techniques that deliberate, to help them remember. 
a. Metamemori: Understanding Memory 
Understanding of memory processes. Ability is related to metacognition (metakognition), awareness of one's own thought processes going. 
b. Mnemonic: Strategies for Remembering 
Mnemonic is a technique to aid memory. Techniques to aid memory, among others, by means of external memory aids, repetition, organization and elaboration.

Cognitive Development of Children's Table 
            -  mature theory of mind that children can distinguish between fantasy and reality
      - Start more efficient in mengode, generalize, and to develop
     -  concrete operational stage begins 
     - Children's understanding of cause and effect, seriasi, class inclusion, conservation reasoning and induction
     - The ability to consider multiple points of view increases  
     - A variety of strategies to increase memory
                     Sources: Human Development, (Papalia Olds Feldman, 2009)
C. Language Development and Literacy 

1. The development of Languages 
Language is a form of communication whether it be oral, written or cues are based on a system of symbols.  

Language consists of words that are used by communities to develop and combine a variety of variations. 
Vygotsky says that language and thought at first developed separately and then together. He stressed that all mental functions have social or external sources. The child must use language to communicate with others before they focus in their own minds. Children also need to communicate externally and using language for a long time before they make the transition from external to internal speech. This transition occurs at age 3-7 years and involves talking to himself. 
He argues that when children talk to yourself (private speech), they use a danger to organize and guide their behavior. Although Piaget considers that this shows the nature of self-centered, but most researchers believed bahw children who do private speech and its performance is more attentive than children who do not do private speech. 
Language skills continue to develop in middle childhood. School-age children are better able to understand and interpret written and oral communication and make themselves understood.
a. Vocabulary, Grammar and Syntax 

At this time of increasingly sophisticated use of language. Children can use special words like slap, beat and punch, all of which refer to an action that is hit. Children are better able to use complex grammar. They have started to narrated or described. 
b. Knowledge About Communication 
The main areas of linguistic growth during periods of school is a pragmatic (pragmatics) is the practical use of language to communicate. Includes skill-spoken and pragmatic bercakap.13 
Children aged 6 years usually tells of his personal experience, for example the story of the movie you just saw. In the subsequent development of boys tend to pronounce and use of negative interruptions and girls tend to be more cautious in revealing statement.
2. Literacy 

a. Read 
Children can read in two ways, first decoding the printed word phonetic analysis process is converted into the form of a conversation before it is stored and recalled from memory pendek.14 second term, save and recall based on the visual, done with the process of storing and recalling the voice said printed when I saw the word as a keseluruhan.15 
The approach used in reading the whole language approach and the approach to basic skills and fonik. Pendekatkan whole language reading lesson should be stressed that in parallel with the child's natural learning.  
Reading materials should be complete and meaningful, that child is asked to really thoroughly understand the words or phrases from what he read. Basic skills and fonik approach emphasizes that the reading should be taught fonik and ground rules in translating symbols into sound. Lessons given should involve simple materials.
b. Write 

Acquisition of writing skills along with reading skills. Writing is more difficult for children because it requires the child to erect, the child should also be given the various constraints such as affixing punctuation, grammar and use of capital letters. 
Table Language Development 
o Skills spoke almost like an adult and a spoken vocabulary of about 2600 words  
o Children understand approximately 20,000 words  
o Children can retell the storyo  
o pragmatic skills increased
o Understanding the syntax and structure of the more sophisticated  
o Personal conversation disappears  
o The major growth is pragmatic skills
o  Main Skills continue in pragmatic skills

D. Psychosocial development of 
In Erikson's theory of psychosocial development that includes eight stages. 6-12 years of age (early teens) Erikson categorized into stages of Industry vs. inferiority. At this time the child must learn the skills necessary productive their culture or they will face inferiority diri.17 
Around the age of 7-8 years of self-assessment becomes more aware, realistic, balanced and comprehensive.  
The development of self-definition is characterized by breadth, balance, and the integration and assessment of various aspects of self. Children are usually aware of a sense of shame and pride in themselves. They began to show prosocial behavior, such as sympathy and empathy. This behavior is encouraging them to be closer to his friends. 
Children in middle childhood have also begun to understand his existence in the family. Their relationships with siblings are sometimes in conflict, this is caused by several factors, including the jealousy of other relatives.  
However, this conflict can actually make their own way to find a solution.
Emotional and Social Development Table

Emotional development
Social Developmentl
- negativism decreased 
- Children recognize a sense of pride and embarrassment to others but not yourself
- Patterns bully (bullying) and deceive may wake up
- Children proud or ashamed to realize their rough-and-tumble game
- prevalent in boys as a way to compete for dominance
- increased understanding and emotion regulation 
- Children's understanding of guilt and shame each difference with better
- Children and parents share the setting behavior 
- Conflict with siblings membanntu development of skills for conflict resolution 
- Friendships become more intimate
            Sources: Human Development, (Papalia Olds Feldman, 2009)

Ages 6-12 years of schooling is commonly called middle childhood. At this time tends to slow physical growth, but from year to year changes remain subtle. Sleep disturbances were common, this is because their activities are increasingly dense. More coordinated child's motor, gross motor activities usually in boys than girls are superior.

Piaget enter this stage of concrete operations into categories. They can use a variety of mental operations, such as reasoning, problem-solving concrete (real). Children in this age to be able to think logically because they are not too self-centered than ever before and can consider the various aspects of the situation.  

However, their thinking is still confined to the real thoughts saai here and now.
On aspects of language ability continues to develop in middle childhood. School-age children are better able to understand and interpret written and oral communication and make themselves understood.

In Erikson's theory of Psychoanalysis, this time belong to the fourth stage is, Industry vs. inferiority. At this time the child must learn the skills necessary productive their culture or they will face the feelings of inferiority.  
Children's emotions also can be controlled, although sometimes there are often conflicts with siblings.


1. Papalia Olds Feldman.2009.Human Development.Jakarta : Salemba Humanika 
2. Santrock, John W.2007.Perkembangan Anak.Jakarta : Erlangga


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