Monday, August 27, 2012

Developmental Psychology

I will pour materials containing about some of the opinions of experts on the development and growth of the child's birth, prenatal, birth to 6 years. Were used as teaching materials based on the Developmental Psychology and scope of the discussion can also be used as a methodology of language teaching Early Childhood. This paper also contains a description of some aspects of the classification of developmental early childhood (1-6 years). 
Developments are changes towards more advanced, more mature and more mature. The development of students is a complex. That is a lot of factors that influence both innate and environmental factors. Both of which are equally affected. 
We need to know also that there are dangers when the prenatal stage due to the influence of drugs, blood type does not match, adrift environment, infectious diseases, malnutrition, stress during pregnancy, maternal age and elderly father. 
Nutrition, food dikosumsi by pregnant women is essential for fetal growth and development. Similarly parenting parents will foster more significant for children.Hopefully, this paper adds to the knowledge, the benefits to our authors and readers as well.


Developments are changes towards more advanced, more mature and more mature. The development of students is a complex. That is a lot of factors that influence both innate and environmental factors. Both of which are equally affected. 

1. Understanding Development 
The development is nutmeg individual changes that began in the time of conception (fertilization) and continues throughout life, which continues in a systematic, progressive and sustained both the physical (physical) and psychological (spiritual) it. But keep in mind that not every change is an organism that experienced growth. 
The changes are not due to the development of, for example, individuals who use drugs. To clarify about these changes as a result of the development. 
a. The development started in the biological elements that occurs over a long period and general nature, not related to a particular event or experience. But the child's learning experience influences the development process in question. 
b. The development can be seen from the side sturuktur or function, or the physical and psychological changes. Changes in the physical changes associated with sturuktur both size and shape. Such changes in the arms, legs, muscles, while the change in the function of the changes associated with psychic example, changes on the ability to think, remember, emotional reactions. 
c. Developments that are patterned, orderly, predictable. This means that when a child is developing normally, he will follow certain patterns that are predictable, for example, when the child can sit will crawl and stand and so on. 
d. Developments that are unique for each individual. Mean that development in addition there are similarities but no difference. Even within a particular side no one individual with another individual. 
e. The development took place gradually over a relatively long time. It means that the changes that are instantaneous, but rather occurs in a continuous process that takes place in a relatively long time. 
f. The development is the changes that occur throughout life starting from the time of conception to die from the world. Conception is the time of the creation of human seed or marriage that evolved into an organism or fetus as a potential human being known as petus (unborn baby).

       2. Child Growth and Development 
Growth (growth) is related to the issue of changing the physical size of a person. While the development of the (development) associated with the maturation and increase the ability (skill) or individual organ function. Both of these processes occur in sync on each individual. 
Growth process of a person is the result of the interaction of various interrelated factors, namely genetics / heredity, environment-psychosocial biofisiko and behavior. This process is individual and unique so as to provide different outcomes and individual characteristics in each child. There are several factors that affect the growth of children 
  •  heredo constitutional factors, depending on race, genetics, gender and inherited disorders
  •  Hormonal factors; insulin, thyroid, sex hormones and steroids.
  •  Environmental factors during and after birth: nutrition, bad memories, socio - economic, climate, physical activity, illness, etc..



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